Monday, August 3, 2015


Even if you have the best job on the planet, there may be days when you just can’t bear to get out of bed and go to work. The phrase, “I hate my job” is one of the most popular phrases amongst workers. But one thing worthy of note is that, saying it over and over again will not make the job go away or make one get a better job automatically.
However, we cannot ignore how depressing it is to get up every day and spend eight or more hours (a huge chunk of your day) at a place where you are unhappy or miserable. So let’s examine a simple and effective process for moving forward from this dreadful situation.
1.YOU ARE THERE FOR A REASON: Nothing in life happens by chance. Most if not all situations we find ourselves in, are either there as reciprocal effects of our previous thoughts, words, or deeds, or lovingly placed on our paths to teach us certain beneficial lessons, and enrich our spirits. We must remember that Divine Love is based on what benefits us as human beings, not necessarily what pleases us!
 Therefore, the first step to moving forward is to identify the reason why you have that job. You could be there to help shift the energy just by being the best version of yourself, each day. Look for opportunities for impact where you are now, live in the present, rather than thinking that you are supposed to be somewhere else. If you go back in time, you’d recall that you made a decision to have the job at a point, right? You were probably even praying for it! Even if you’re longing for something better – start doing your best in your current job.
2.  EMBRACE THAT REASON: Once you have found that opportunity, no matter how little to enable you express your real self on the job, then the next step is to move into acceptance and out of resistance. Do that little thing with all your heart. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well. Put in your very best at the job. No more complaining all the time, but shift your focus and energy on the good aspects of your job, this will create the right atmosphere for moving forward. At this stage, ignore the things you hate about the job and embrace all that you love no matter how little, this will give you some perspective, and you’d agree that even the ‘worst’ jobs are not all bad. See the ‘bad’ facets as lessons in cultivating patience or as challenges that will help you grow.
3.  BE THE CHANGE THAT YOU WANT TO SEE: Many a time, we are responsible for the unhappiness we feel about our jobs. So in moving forward, we must look at ways we could change those things we do not like. Instead of sitting down resenting your job and life, you can meet with your boss to address your concerns; you can examine how you possibly contributed to your unhappiness. What kind of vibes are you projecting to your boss and co-workers, what personality traits have you exhibited or what decisions have you taken that might be negatively impacting your feelings about your job? All these must be answered sincerely and changed, otherwise even after moving forward; you would keep finding yourself in similar situations because youand not the jobmay be the problem. So there is need for an objective personal assessment and improvement.
4.  ATTRACT YOUR DREAM JOB: The mistake some people make about jobs they dislike is that they keep complaining about it, without doing anything to set about getting their dream job. When you are always frustrated about current circumstances, you make an already bad situation appear worse than it really is, and the negative aspects of your job become magnified in your mind. Remember:What we focus on grows! But once you have the courage to release yourself from the resentment, you are better positioned to attract your dream job. You are able to put your energy towards conducting thorough research on other jobs that might suit you better. You could revise your resume to showcase your competencies and experience, and to communicate how you can add value to organizations. You could enroll for relevant certifications to upgrade and add to your skills. You could identify your passions and network with people with similar passions. You could leverage for networking.
These positive steps will set you on the right track towards moving forward to a new and more fulfilling job.
5.  SHOW LOVE AND GRATITUDE ALWAYS:  Gratitude is one of the keys that unlock the door of opportunities. Therefore, it is necessary to show gratitude to The Almighty Father for all the opportunities he has granted us by seeking and doing His Will at all times. We should also be grateful for seemingly unanswered prayers, knowing and trusting that everything including what we call ‘disappointments’, will always work out for our good when we earnestly and only desire what is right.
Above all, we should bear in mind that Love is the Strongest and Purest Force that fills, directs and blesses the entire Creation; and when we strive to open ourselves to It so that it fills our hearts and spreads out to everyone around us, we are simultaneously aligning ourselves with the Perfect Will of The Creator and by so doing, opening up the paths on which all His blessings will flow into our lives.
In conclusion therefore, loving our neighbours as ourselves, and seeking first The Kingdom of The Lord  (which in the real sense of the word means, recognizing and upholding His Will through our daily thoughts, words and actions), will ensure that every other good thing is added unto us; including that special job or business of our dreams.

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