Monday, April 30, 2012

keeping in close contact with your ex! good or bad

my take is, if you are in a relationship, no big deal especially if your former relationship ended amicably, but if yu are married, then you have no business with an ex. whether you are both with the purest of hearts, it just called for. an ex is called an 'ex' for reason!

My take, yours???

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bayero University under attack in Kano.Christian Students gathered at the BUK theater and sports complex for worship bombed this morning

me thinks these christains should take it easy especially as they are in an
islamic state. Cos this looks like a case of trouble sleep inyanga go wake am.

That's my take....what's yours???

Friday, April 27, 2012

should married people avoid their single friends?

I really know why people say this but me feel its only 'runs' girls that would
 want to stay away from their single friends after marriage. This is because 
They know what they were doing to other married men with these friends so
they  wont want to suffer same in the friends hands.

This is my take, yours??